App Inventor 2 TaifunImage 拓展,图像高级处理功能,剪裁,压缩,翻转等

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Resize a jpg image file in the ASD - application specific directory.
Thank you Tanja for being the sponsor of this block!

Rotate a jpg image file in the ASD - application specific directory by 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees in clockwise direction.
Thank you for your generous donation!

Crop Image. Enter the distance in pixel for left, top, right and bottom.
Thank you Husain for being the sponsor of this block!

Create chunks of a jpg image file in the ASD - application specific directory.

For example rows=4 and columns=3 will create 12 chunks of the original image, see screenshot

The chunks will also be stored in the ASD - application specific directory. The following name convention will be used: imageFileName_rowNumber_columnNumber.jpg.

Return true if image in the ASD - application specific directory is in landscape format, else return false.

Scale a jpg image file in the ASD - application specific directory.
The parameter scalingLogic expects the value FIT or CROP. CROP keeps the aspect ratio, resulting either in the width or the height of the source image being cropped.
Thank you Andreas for the scaling tutorial and the image scaling code sample project.

Overlay images in the ASD - application specific directory.
The second image should be an image in png format with transparency to get the overlay effect.
Thank you Christian for being the sponsor of this block!

Note: Both images must be available in the ASD - application specific directory.


Event indicating that chunks have been created. A list of filenames will be provided as result.

Event indicating that image has been rotated.
Parameter successful is indicating true (successful) or false. Parameter result provides error message in case of error or filename in case of success.

Event indicating that image has been scaled.
Parameter successful is indicating true (successful) or false. Parameter result provides error message in case of error or filename in case of success.

Example Use: Resize

before resize

after resize

Note: the larger image (on the left) looks like it is smaller compared to the shrinked image (on the right). I currently do not know why this happens, actually the same size in the image component should be displayed...

Some more blocks to get the current image size, width and height using the Image Metadata Extension

Example Use: Create Chunks

displaying chunk # 5 out of 12 chunks created (4 rows and 3 columns)

Example Use: Crop

Example Use: Rotate

Example Use: Scale and Overlay

An example overlay image in png format, here size 1200x1800 (portrait), transparent background.

Scale an image exactly to the size you need and at the same time crop the image to keep the aspect ratio, then add an overlay image (could be for example a watermark or similar).


